A World Without Photosynthesis


Process of photosynthesis

1.A process in which green plants use energy from the sun to transport water,carbon dioxide and minerals.
2.Green plants use sugar to make starch,fats and proteins.
3.Animals inhale air,give out oxygen.Green plants are the only plants that produce oxygen and make food.
4. Photosynthesis is a process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds, especially sugars ,using the energy 
from sunlight .
5.The  process in green plants and certian other organisms by which carbonydrates are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water using light as energy source .
6. The initial process in photosynthesis is the decomposition of water into oxygen , which is released , and hydrogen ,direct light is required for this process  

The importance of photosynthesis

    1. Provides food for the whole world
    2. Without photosynthesis,all the energy from the sun would be wasted and there would't be living thing.
    3. provide the sorce of energy that drives all their metab0lic processes.
    4. Makes carbonhydrates in which we need to eat for energy .
    5. Provides necessary oxygen in order to survive .
    6. Maintains a delicate balance and nutrient recycling .

    How will it affect the plants and animals if there is no photosynthesis .

    1. Oxygen by the trees would be lost .
    2. It would lead in increasing the degree of global warning.
    3. They will die as there is lack of oxygen for the animals .
    4. They will die as there is lack of carbon dioxide .
    5. They won't have energy
    6. They will not have food to eat.









    Done By: Justin Soh, Raeann , Yong Qing, Si Ling and Yang Fu